Welcome to the ROC AMA!

The ROC AMA is a weekly event on Tuesdays where our Certified Rewsters can come and ask our ROC members anything related to any automation being built!

ROC AMA registration can be found on Calendly. Sign up here!

To make the most of your time, please complete the Rewst Foundations Certification. If you have not completed your certification, check out Office Hours to work through any questions you have while you complete the Rewst Foundations Training.

How It Works:

  1. Sign-Up: Use the Calendly link to schedule a session during our available times.

  2. Prepare: Gather any questions or topics you'd like to discuss.

  3. Join the Call: At the scheduled time, join the call via the link provided in your Calendly confirmation. Our ROC team will be ready to assist.

What to Expect:

  • Interactive Q&A: Engage in real-time discussions with our ROC experts and fellow Rewsters.

  • Practical Solutions: Get live help and troubleshooting for more technical questions related to your automation building.

First-Come, First-Serve

Depending on the number of participants and level of depth in the questions, the ROC team will do their best to assist on a first-come, first-serve basis. So we recommend signing up and joining on time!


This event complements your automation journey by offering open, active Q&A time with our ROC experts. It's an opportunity to clarify doubts, seek solutions, and discuss your projects with experts.

For more details and to reserve your spot, visit our Calendly link.

Last updated