Configure organization variables
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An organization variable is a universal setting that applies across your MSP Rewst Organization and your Client's organizations. Organization variables are used to apply values at the organization and sub-org layers. They are referenced in workflows using the syntax {{ ORG.VARIABLES. }}
Sub-organizations can inherit organization variables unless a sub-org has the same variable defined, which will override the value.
The Configure Organizational Variables crate is used to help you set the essential variables that will allow Rewst prebuilt crates to work.
Go to Crates → Crate Marketplace.
Select Configure Organizational Variables and follow the unpacking steps.
You will now have two forms:
[ROC] Rewst: Configure Organizational Variables
[ROC] Rewst: Simple Organizational Variable Form for Child Accounts
Go to Automations → Forms → [ROC] Rewst: Configure Organizational Variables
Click the three dots to the right and select Usages → View Direct URLs
Choose your MSP URL
Select Standard in the form options
Fill out the form
Use the table at the bottom of this page for a definition of each field
To customize variables for client organizations:
Navigate to Automations → Forms → [ROC] Rewst: Simple Organizational Variable Form for Child Accounts.
Click the three dots to the right and select Usages → View Direct URLs
Select the URL of the client you would like to configure
Default PSA
Select your PSA
Default Ticket Location
The board you want Rewst generated tickets to go onto
Default Ticket Status
The status when Rewst is actively working on a ticket
Ticket Status while Waiting for Input
The status when Rewst is waiting for a techs input on a ticket, such as when waiting on a license to be purchased
Ticket Status when Workflow Complete
The status when Rewst has finished the workflow and is ready for a tech to review
No Time in Tickets
Only Use Notes: Will not add time entries to the ticket Add Time Entries: Will add time entries into the ticket
Default Tech ID
Define the Tech ID of the member that Rewst will impersonate for Time Entries
Default Work Role
Define the Work Role for the Tech that Rewst will impersonate for Time Entries
Default Work Type
Define the Work Type for the Tech that Rewst will impersonate for Time Entries
Default Priority
Priority for Rewst created tickets
Send From Address
Define the reply to address when sending emails to ensure replies automatically get created in your PSA. This will likely be your support email
Default RMM
Select your RMM
Primary Identity Provider
Select what your organization uses for IDP. Note if you use a hybrid setup with or with out ADsync you will want to select On-Prem
Preferred Domain Controller
Enter the domain controller's (DC) host name for Rewst to run PowerShell on — e.g., DC-01; fully qualified name not required. Note: Rewst auto-selects a DC for most RMMs, but you must specify one for N-able N-sight, N-able N-central, and ConnectWise Control.
Preferred ADConnect Server
The name of the Server running ADConnect
On-Prem Exchange Server
Name of the On-Prem Exchange Server (if you are not running On-Prem Exchange, leave blank)
Microsoft Licensing Distributor
Select your license provider
Store Password in Ticket
Define whether to add the onboarding user one time password into the ticket internal notes. This is specific to the User Onboarding Crate
Onboarding - Password Save Location
Select another location to create the user onboard password. Such as PSA, ItGlue, Hudu
Add the URL for your PWPush if you have selected that option above
User Onboarding & Offboarding Defaults
These settings are specific to the user onboarding workflow
User Start-Date Behavior
Start Automation Immediately: WIll create the user immediately regardless of the account creation date specified in the user onboarding form Pause Workflow until Start Date Specified: Pause the workflow until the account creation date specified in the user onboarding form
Type for Created New User Ticket
Select the ticket type for a user onboard creation
Subtype for Created New User Ticket
Select the subtype for a user onboard creation
Item for Created New User Ticket
Select the item for the user onboard creation
User Name Format
Select the username format for new users for your organization. Note you can specify a different username for each of your organizations with the "[ROC] Rewst: Simple Organizational Variable Form for Child Accounts form"
No AD Sync
Check if you have an OnPrem AD with no Ad Sync
Miscellaneous Settings
Preferred Phone Number Format
Select a Preferred Phone number format
M365 Usage Location
Select a default M365 Usage Location
New User Approval Email
If set, Rewst will send an email to this address requesting approval before it continues the user onboarding workflow.