Explore the new changes to the Marketplace in the last week!
This can be anything from new crates, enhancements, or bug fixes!
New crates and enhancements
New Crate - Liongard MFA Remediation
Liongard detects when MFA is not enabled properly, logs it to a PSA ticket, Rewst enables MFA and updates the ticket.
Rewst: User Offboarding
Improved migration instructions for moving from v1 to v2
Modified inputs for v2 to be more compatible with wrappers. Defaults are now set for inputs, and added all of the existing form fields as input options to the offboard workflow at set their aliases as defaults.
Added execution results link as internal note on ticket
Bug fixes and chores
Rewst: User Offboarding v2
Fixed issue with Remove Supervisor input. Updated all of the incorrect references to the onprem user alias from "on_prem" to "onprem" as intended.
Coming soon!
New Crate - Sonicwall Firmware Update
Initiate a firmware update via NSM
Support one or more firewall firmware upgrades at once
Support scheduling of firmware updates and restart times