Explore the new changes to the Marketplace in the last week!
This can be anything from new crates, enhancements, or bug fixes!
New crates and enhancements
NEW CRATE - Billing Count Report Crate
Generate a billing report with license counts in 12 different integrations
Rewst: User Offboarding - in Beta/Egg state. See demo here
Document M365 Environments
Efficiency update - Reduced the number of lookups when an asset is updated by 1/4
Updated cron trigger time
Document Shared Mailbox Details
Efficiency update - Reduced the number of lookups when an asset is updated by 1/4
Updated cron trigger time
Document Group Details
Efficiency update - Reduced the number of lookups when an asset is updated by 1/4
Updated cron trigger time
Document User Details
Efficiency update - Reduced the number of lookups when an asset is updated by 1/4
Updated cron trigger time
Bug fixes and chores
User Onboarding
Updated Copy Existing User to Create New powershell script to account for values with commas
Coming soon!
New Crate - Liongard MFA Remediation
Liongard detects when MFA is not enabled properly, logs it to a PSA ticket, Rewst enables MFA and updates the ticket.
New Crate - Sonicwall Firmware Update
Initiate a firmware update via NSM
Support one or more firewall firmware upgrades at once
Support scheduling of firmware updates and restart times
Last updated