Issue Alerts

⚠️The new UI enhancement highlights any Rewst Organization linked to multiple CSP Customers

Error Indication

Problem Scenario

If a Rewst Organization is mapped to more than one CSP Customer, it causes ambiguity in workflow execution. Since workflows can only follow the most recent mapping, this can result in:

  • Workflows failing to execute correctly.

  • Unexpected actions being performed on the wrong CSP Customer.

Solution Steps

To resolve this issue, ensure that each Rewst Organization is mapped to a single CSP Customer. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Single Mapping Per Rewst Organization:

    • Each Rewst Organization should be linked to only one CSP Customer.

    • Example: Rewst Organization A β†’ CSP Customer 1.

  2. Multiple Rewst Organizations to One CSP Customer:

    • You can map the same CSP Customer to multiple Rewst Organizations.

    • Example: Rewst Organization A, Rewst Organization B, and Rewst Organization C can all be mapped to CSP Customer 1 if they represent the same underlying CSP customer.

  3. Avoid Multiple CSP Customers for One Rewst Organization:

    • The new error message ensures a Rewst Organization is not linked to multiple CSP Customers to avoid conflicts.

    • Example: Rewst Organization A should not be mapped to CSP Customer 1, CSP Customer 2, and CSP Customer 3.

Example Explanation

In this example, the Rewst Organization "The Kewp" is mapped to two different CSP Customers: "thekewp" and "Rewst Development." This setup triggers an error message indicating a conflict: "One or more organizations are linked to multiple customers. This will cause errors when attempting to run Microsoft actions on these organizations."

Resolution Steps

To resolve these errors, you need to ensure that "The Kewp" Rewst Organization is mapped to only one CSP Customer. Follow these steps:

  1. Map Rewst Organization "The Kewp" β†’ CSP Customer "thekewp".

  2. Remove the relationship mapping between Rewst Organization "The Kewp" and CSP Customer "Rewst Development".

After making these changes, save your results to ensure the workflow executes correctly without conflicts.

Practical Mapping Example

Here’s how to correctly set up your mappings:

  • Correct Setup Example 1:

    • Rewst Organization A β†’ CSP Customer 1.

    • Rewst Organization B β†’ CSP Customer 2.

    • Rewst Organization C β†’ CSP Customer 3.

  • Correct Setup Example 2:

    • Rewst Organization A β†’ CSP Customer 1.

    • Rewst Organization B β†’ CSP Customer 1.

    • Rewst Organization C β†’ CSP Customer 1.

  • Incorrect Setup (Conflict):

    • Rewst Organization A β†’ CSP Customer 1, CSP Customer 2, CSP Customer 3.

By following these mapping rules, you can ensure that your workflows are executed correctly and directed to the appropriate CSP Customer, preventing any unexpected issues.

Last updated