Explore the new changes to the Marketplace in the last week!
This can be anything from new crates, enhancements, or bug fixes!
New crates and enhancements
Create ticket workflow
Adjusted to:
Not use any deprecated actions
Added the automation log
Use publish results as
Use sub-workflows when appropriate
Update ticket workflow
Adjusted to:
Not use any deprecated actions
Add the automation log
Use publish results as
Use sub-workflows when appropriate
Bug fixes and chores
M365: Set Calendar Permissions
Moved actions using with-items (e.g. resolve_existing_perm_names action) to sub-workflows and added error handing.
Ad-Hoc Install/Uninstall Software via Chocolatey
Updated the value of the device_list key in the publish section of a task.
Added an additional condition in the list comprehension for the device_list.
Narrowed down the list of devices to those associated with a specific customer by only including items where item.customerId equals ORG.VARIABLES.nable_customer_id|int.
Coming soon!
New Crate - Sonicwall Firmware Update
Initiate a firmware update via NSM
Support one or more firewall firmware upgrades at once
Support scheduling of firmware updates and restart times