In our example above, this is the first entry in each list. You can see the IDs match.
We now want to combine these lists. So we create a new alias, let's call it CTX.final_user_information
{{ [dict(user_info, **groups_res) for user_info, groups_res in CTX.m365_users|zip(CTX.all_groups_info)] }}
Using the ZIP method, along with our own custom comprehension, we take each entry in the list and combine them together in the same index that they exist. This means that index [0] in CTX.m365_users, combines with index [0] in CTX.all_groups_info
We can see the lists have combined and we now have access to all that information in a single list.
The Alternative Method
Using the ZIP function is probably the most effective way to do this, however, the alternative is the enumerate function
"mail": CTX.users[index].mail,
"displayName": CTX.users[index].displayName,
"azure_id": CTX.users[index].id,
"ms_licenses": CTX.users[index].assignedLicenses|d,
"breaches": [ breach.Name for breach in ] or []
for index,qr in enumerate(CTX.query_results)
In this example, we have two lists again - CTX.users and CTX.query_results. The first is a list of users from M365, the second is a list of results - again using a With Items, on each of those users.
We then want to combine those two lists, so we format the users with the relevant data we want such as mail, displayName, etc.
We then want the results in a key called breaches. We then use enumerate it to ensure that index[0] matches index[0] in both lists.