Convert to Object

Transforms a list into an object with extracted key-value pairs.


This transform allows you to convert a list of objects into a single object, creating each object's property using user-defined key-value pairs extracted from the list, and simplifying the handling of complicated list structures.



List to Transform

The list of objects you want to transform into a single object. Each item in the list should be a object with key-value pairs.

Field to use as Key

The field name from the items in your list that you want to use as keys in your new object.

Field to use as Value

The field name from the items in your list that you want to use as values in your new object.

For nested field names, separate them by dots (e.g., details.age).


The Convert to Object transform provides a powerful way to reshape your data to meet specific requirements. The ability to define keys and values, including the ability to access nested data, makes it versatile for a range of scenarios. Let's go through a couple of use-case examples to demonstrate how this transform can be applied to your data.

Example 1: Simple Key-Value Conversion

Let's assume we have this list of objects called mylist:

mylist: [
    name: "John",
    age: 30,
    hobbies: ["golf", "reading"],
    name: "Mary",
    age: 35,
    hobbies: ["cooking", "music"],

Action Parameters:

We want to create a new object where the keys are the name field and the values are the age field. We would use the following parameters:

key_field: name
value_field: age

Jinja2 Equivalent:

{% set new_object = {} %}
{% for item in mylist %}
  {% set _ = new_object.update({item['name']: item['age']}) %}
{% endfor %}

Example 2: Nested Key-Value Conversion

Now, let's consider a list of objects where some fields are nested:

mylist: [
    name: "John",
    details: {
      age: 30,
      occupation: "Engineer"
    hobbies: ["golf", "reading"],
    name: "Mary",
    details: {
      age: 35,
      occupation: "Doctor"
    hobbies: ["cooking", "music"],

Action Parameters:

In this case, the age field is nested under the details object. So, to create an object where the keys are the name field and the values are the age field nested under details, we would use the following parameters:

key_field: name
value_field: details.age

Jinja2 Equivalent:

{% set new_object = {} %}
{% for item in mylist %}
  {% set _ = new_object.update({item['name']: item['details']['age']}) %}
{% endfor %}

Results Output

In both of these examples, your new output object would look as follows:

results: {
  "John": 30,
  "Mary": 35

You've learned how to simplify complex lists using the Convert to Object transform. Remember, the key to using this transform effectively is understanding your data's structure and identifying the appropriate key-value pairs that will make your object meaningful.

This transform is especially useful when dealing with data structures like ConnectWise PSA Custom Fields or Communication Items.

Last updated

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