Organization Actions

Get Organization

Description: Retrieve data for a single organization in Rewst.


  • Organization ID: Identifier of the organization to fetch data for. This ID is unique for each organization within Rewst.

Output: Outputs the details of the organization, which includes the Organization ID, Domain, Name, Managing Organization ID, and Enabled Status.

Bulk Create Organizations

Description: Create multiple organizations at once within Rewst.


  • Managing Organization ID: The ID of the managing organization. If not provided, the organization that initiated the operation will be set as the managing organization.

  • Organizations (Required): List of organization details to be created. Each entry in the list should contain the following parameters:

    • Is Enabled: Boolean indicating if the organization should be enabled.

    • Name: The name of the organization in Rewst. The name must be unique.

    • Domain: The domain name of the organization's website, excluding protocol.

Output: Outputs a list of newly created organizations, each with its corresponding Organization ID, Domain, Name, Managing Organization ID, and Enabled Status.

Create Organization

Description: Create a single organization within Rewst.


  • Name (Required): The name of the organization to be created. This name must be unique within Rewst.

  • Domain (Optional): The domain of the new organization, excluding protocol.

  • Managing Organization ID: Identifier of the managing organization. If not provided, the organization that initiated the operation will be set as the managing organization.

  • Is Enabled (Optional, default is true): A boolean indicating whether the new organization is enabled or not.

Output: Outputs the details of the newly created organization, which includes the Organization ID, Domain, Name, Managing Organization ID, and Enabled Status.

List Organizations

Description: Fetch a list of all organizations in Rewst.


  • Managing Organization ID: Identifier of the managing organization to fetch organizations for. This ID is unique for each organization within Rewst.

  • Name (Optional): Name of the organization to search for. The name must be unique within Rewst.

Output: Outputs a list of organizations, each with its corresponding Organization ID, Domain, Name, Managing Organization ID, and Enabled Status.

Update Organization

Description: Update details of an existing organization within Rewst.


  • Organization ID: Identifier of the organization to be updated. This ID is unique for each organization within Rewst.

  • Name (Optional): New name for the organization. This name must be unique within Rewst.

  • Domain (Optional): New domain for the organization, excluding protocol.

  • Is Enabled (Optional): Updated enabled status for the organization. It is a boolean value.

Output: Outputs the updated details of the organization, which includes the Organization ID, Domain, Name, Managing Organization ID, and Enabled Status.

Last updated