ConnectWise automate integration Setup

This document outlines the requirements and setup for the ConnectWise Automate integration.

Requirements (pre-Rewst)

There are a few requirements for the ConnectWise Automate integration to work that need configuring by you as the MSP.

API Account

In order to create a new ConnectWise Automate integration, you will need to create a system integrator account.

Creating The User Class

  1. Create a User Class in Automate for our Rewst User.

Creating the User In CW Automate

  1. Click Settings in the bottom left corner.

  2. Go to User Management.

  3. Click Add in the top left.

  4. Set the First Name, Last Name, Email, User Name, and Password.

    • We recommend setting it up as follows:

  5. Click on the User Classes Tab.

  6. Click Edit User Classes.

  7. Select the Rewst User Class you configured earlier.

  1. Check Integrator at the bottom.

  2. Click Save.


Once you have created an integrator account, you will need to configure the integration within the Rewst platform.

Follow the below steps to configure a new integration:

  1. Log in to the Rewst platform

  2. Go to Configuration → Integrations → CW Automate.

  3. Scroll down to the Parameters section.

  4. Enter your CW Automate hostname.

  5. Enter the password you created for your user.

  6. Enter the username for your user.

  7. Click Save Configuration.

Note that if you have IP address restrictions in place you will need to add the Rewst IP to your allowed list. The IP for Rewst is

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