NinjaOne integration setup

If you’re new to integrations in Rewst, read through our introductory integration documentation here.

What does the NinjaOne integration do?

Our NinjaOne integration provides users with a powerful combination of documentation, remote monitoring, and management capabilities. Seamlessly access and manage NinjaRMM within Rewst, monitor and troubleshoot devices, deploy software, and perform remote tasks more effectively. Use this integration to centralize your IT documentation and RMM workflows, ensuring a comprehensive and streamlined approach to IT management within the Rewst platform.

Why use the NinjaOne integration?

  • Device monitoring and management

  • Execute scripts on endpoints

  • Deploy software to devices

Set up the NinjaOne Integration

Set up steps in NinjaOne

  1. Navigate to Administration > Library > Automation.

  2. Click Add, then New Script.

  3. Add the following script:

    1. Name: Rewst (Windows)

    2. Language: Powershell

    3. OS: Windows

    4. Architecture: All

    5. Paste the code below into the script box

Your Rewst Base URL will vary depending on which Rewst instance you are on. You must update the $rewst_base_url property in the script below to match your Rewst Instance. You can identify which instance you are on by the URL you use to access Rewst. Please use the following table as a guide to identify your Rewst Base URL

Rewst URL
Base URL


$rewst_base_url = "https://INSERTBASEURLHERE/webhooks/custom/action"
$script_content_url = "$rewst_base_url/$script_content_path"
$post_url = "$rewst_base_url/$results_postdata_path"

# Download Script Content from Rewst

[Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12
$wc = New-Object System.Net.WebClient
$wc.Encoding = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8
$commands = ($wc.DownloadString($script_content_url))

# Execute Script Content

iex $commands

Set up steps in Rewst

  1. Navigate to Configuration > Integrations in the left side menu of your Rewst platform.

  2. In the Integrations page, search for the NinjaOne integration.

  3. Click on the integration tile to launch setup.

  4. Choose your Region from the Region Instance drop-down selector.

  5. Authorize OAuth into NinjaOne, via Microsoft. You should see your customer show up at the bottom. You may need to click Refresh Options for customers to populate.

  6. Click Save.

Test the Integration

Once you’ve mapped your customers, test the integration by following the steps below.

  1. Navigate to Automations > Workflows.

  2. Click Create.

  3. Name your workflow, and click Submit.

  4. Drag a Ninja action onto your workflow builder canvas. In this example, we use List Contacts.

  5. Click to add a trigger. In the relevant fields, choose or enter the following settings:

    1. Name your trigger

    2. Trigger Type: Core - Always Pass

    3. Integration Overrides: NinjaRMM

    4. Enable the trigger for all or some of your managed organizations, depending on your setup and preference

  6. Click Submit.

  7. Click Test, and select a company to run the action for. Test a handful of companies to ensure the integration is working.


Sync NinjaRMM Device Counts to Gradient Synthesize


Just in Time Admin Access


Agent Smith: Device Provisioning, and Agent Smith Service Provisioning


Ad-Hoc Install/Uninstall Software via Chocolatey


Windows 11 Compatibility Checker


Bulk Move Users to Specified OU

Troubleshoot the NinjaOne integration

All List component actions fail.

If any list action is failing, ensure that you have added the script in previous instructions, into NinjaOne.

Got an idea for a new Integration? Rewst is constantly adding new integrations to our integrations page. Submit your idea or upvote existing ideas here in our Canny feedback collector.

NinjaOne actions and endpoints

For more on how actions work in Rewst, check out our introductory actions documentation here.

NinjaOne's own API documentation can be found here.

Action Name
Endpoint Related to Action

Approve/Reject Devices

Approve or reject devices that are waiting for approval


Cancel Maintenance

Cancel pending or active maintenance for device


Change Organization Policy Mappings

Update policy assignment for node role(s). Returns list of affected device IDs


Control Windows Service

Start/Stop/Restart Windows Service on a device


Create Location For Organization

Creates new location for organization


Create New Organization

Creates new organization with optional list of locations and policy mappings. Template organization ID can be specified to copy various settings


Create Ticket

Creates a ticket


Device Alerts (Triggered Conditions) by Device

Returns list of active alerts (triggered conditions) for device


Device Currently Running (Active) Jobs by Device

Returns currently running jobs for device


Generate Installer

Generates and returns URL for installer for specified organization/location


Generic API Request

Generic action for making authenticated requests against the NinjaRMM API

Get Attachment by ID

Returns attachment (image, document)


Get Device Activities

Returns activity log for device


Get Device Details

Returns device details


Get Device Link

Returns link to device


Get Last Logged on User for Device

Returns username that was last to login to device


Get Organization Information

Returns organization details (policy mappings, locations)


Get OS Update Installation Report by Device

Returns patch installation history records (successful and failed) for device


Get Software Update History by Device

Returns 3rd party software patch installation history records for device (successful and failed)


Last Logged on User Report

Returns usernames and logon times


List Active Alerts (Triggered Conditions)

Returns list of active alerts/triggered conditions


List Active Jobs

Returns list of running jobs


List Activities

Returns activity log in reverse chronological order


List All Device Custom Fields

Returns list of all custom fields


List Antivirus Status by Device

Returns list of statues of antivirus software installed on devices


List Antivirus Threats

Returns list of antivirus threats


List Boards

Get list of boards


List Computer Systems

Returns computer systems information for devices


List Contacts

Get list of contacts


List Custom Fields

Returns Custom Fields report


List Custom Fields for Device

Returns list of applicable management options


List Custom Fields with Details

Returns Custom Fields report with additional information about each field


List Device Roles

Returns list of device roles


List Devices

Returns list of devices (basic node information)


List Devices (Detailed)

Returns list of devices with additional information


List Disk Drives

Returns list of physical disks


List Disk Drives by Device

Returns device disks' details


List Disk Volumes

Returns list of disk volumes


List Group Members’ Devices

Returns list of device identifiers that match group criteria


List Groups (Saved Searches)

Returns list of groups


List Health Status by Device

Returns list of device health summary records


List Installed Software by Device

Returns list of software installed on device


List Locations

Returns flat list of all locations for all organizations


List Operating Systems by Device

Returns operating systems' for devices


List Organization Devices

Returns list of devices for organization


List Organization Documents

Returns organization documents


List Organizational Locations

Returns list of locations for organization


List Organizations

Returns list of organizations (Brief mode)


List Organizations with Locations and Policies

Returns list of organizations with locations and policy mappings


List OS Patches by Device

Returns list of pending/rejected/approved OS patches for device


List OS Update Installations

Returns patch installation history records (successful and failed)


List Pending, Failed and Rejected 3rd Party Software Patches

Returns list of 3rd party Software patches for which there were no installation attempts


List Policies

Returns list of policies


List Processors

Returns list of processors


List Processors by Device

Returns list of device Processor details


List RAID Controllers

Returns list of RAID controllers


List RAID Drives

Returns list of drives connected to RAID controllers


List Scheduled Tasks

Returns list of registered scheduled tasks


List Scripting Options by Device

Returns scripting options (built-in actions, custom scripts) available for device


List Software Inventory

Returns list software installed on devices


List Software Update History

Returns 3rd party software patch installation history records (successful and failed)


List Storage Volumes by Device

Returns device volumes' details


List Supported 3rd Party Software

Returns available software products (3rd party patching)


List Ticket Forms

Get list of ticket forms


List Ticket Log Entries

Get list of ticket log entries


List Tickets for Board

Get list of tickets by Board identifier


List Uninstalled OS Patches

Returns list of OS patches for which there were no installation attempts


List Users

Returns list of users


List Users for Organization

Returns list of end-users for organization


List Windows Services

Returns list of Windows Services and their statuses


List Windows Services by Device

Returns list of Windows Services and their statuses


Modify Ticket

Modify a ticket on a board


Modify Windows Service Configuration

Configures Windows Service startup settings


Pending, Failed and Rejected Software Patches for Device

Returns list of 3rd party Software patches for a device (for which there were no installation attempts)


Reboot Device

Sends a command to restart the computer


Remove Webhook API Channel

Creates or updates PSA configuration based on client


Reset Alert/Condition

Resets alert/condition by UID


Reset Alert/Condition and Provide Custom Data for Activity

Resets alert/condition by UID


Run Script or Built in Action

Run script or built-in action on a device


Schedule Maintenance

Schedule maintenance window for device


Search for Devices

Returns list of entities matching search term


Update API Webhook Configuration

Creates or updates Webhook configuration for current application/client


Update Device Information

Change device friendly name, user data, etc.


Update Field Values

Update device's custom field values


Update Location

Change location name, address, description, custom data


Update Organization

Change organization name, description and policy mappings


Last updated

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