Bitdefender GravityZone integration
What does the Bitdefender GravityZone integration do?
The Bitdefender GravityZone integration enables automated interactions with its API within Rewst workflows. Manage and monitor your Bitdefender GravityZone environment, including authentication and session management.
Integration use cases
Automation of endpoint security management - deploy, update, and monitor security software across devices
Threat detection and response automation - Detect threats and trigger alerts without manual intervention
Policy enforcement and compliance monitoring - Automate compliance checks and generate security reports
Set up the Bitdefender GravityZone integration
Set up steps in Bitdefender GravityZone
Log in to your Bitdefender GravityZone cloud application.
Click on your user menu in the top right of your screen, and select My Account.
Scroll down the page to the API Keys section.
Click + Add to add a new API key.
Enter the API Key Description and check off your desired Enabled API permissions. When finished, click Generate.
Copy the API key in the dialog that appears. Note that this key can only be viewed in this dialog, and must be copied before clicking the X to close the dialog.
Find and copy the Access URL under the Control Center API section. You'll need both this and your copied API key for Rewst.
Click Save at the bottom of the API keys section to authenticate your Bitdefender API Key with Rewst.
Set up steps in Rewst
Navigate to Configuration > Integrations in the left side menu of your Rewst platform.
In the Integrations page, search for the Bitdefender integration.
Click on the integration tile to launch the Configuration setup page.
Under Configuration:
Edit the Name
Add an optional Description for your configuration.
Check off Is Default
Under Parameters:
Paste the API key copied from Bitdefender GravityZone into the API Key field in the configuration form
Paste the Control Center Access API URL copied from Bitdefender GravityZone into the relevant field in the configuration form
Click Save Configuration.

Test the Integration
Saving your configuration during integration setup automatically triggers a test API call to verify that your setup is correct. If something is wrong with your credentials and the integration fails, you'll receive an error message in the Rewst platform.
Got an idea for a new Integration? Rewst is constantly adding new integrations to our integrations page. Submit your idea or upvote existing ideas here in our Canny feedback collector.
Bitdefender actions and endpoints
For more on how actions work in Rewst, check out our introductory actions documentation here.
For complete API documentation, see Bitdefenders' own docs here.
List Accounts
Display all the user accounts that belong to a company.
Delete Account
Delete a specific user account.
Create Account
Create a user account and assign it a password.
Update Account
Update a user account.
Update Notification Settings
Configures the notification settings for a given user account.
Get Notification Settings
Gets the notifications settings.
Update Company Details
Display all the user accounts that belong to a company.
Get Company Details
Gets the details of a company.
Get API Key Details
Retrieves the details of the API key.
Generate Email Verification Code
Generates a verification code and sends it to the specified email address.
Generic Request
Bitdefender API Request
Generic action for making authenticated requests against the Bitdefender API
Add to Blocklist
Set up one or more rules that you can use in adding items to blocklists.
List Blocklist Items
Lists all the hashes that are present in a blocklist.
Remove from Blocklist
Lists all the hashes that are present in a blocklist.
Create Isolate Endpoint Task
Creates a task to isolate the specified endpoint.
Create Restore Endpoint From Isolation Task
Creates a task to restore the specified endpoint from isolation.
Create Custom Rule
Creates a custom rule.
Get Custom Rules List
Lists all the custom rules that are present in the company.
Delete Custom Rule
Deletes a custom rule.
Update Incident Note
Updates the note of a specified incident.
Change Incident Status
Changes the status of a specified incident.
Get Hourly Usage For Amazon EC2 Instances
Exposes the hourly usage for each Amazon instance category (micro, medium etc.).
Configure Amazon EC2 Integration Using Cross-Account Role
Configures the Amazon EC2 integration using a cross-account role.
Generate Amazon EC2 External ID For Cross-Account Role
Generates the Amazon EC2 external ID for a cross-account role.
Get Amazon EC2 External ID For Cross-Account Role
Generates the Amazon EC2 external ID for a cross-account role.
Disable Amazon EC2 Integration
Disables a previously configured Amazon EC2 integration.
Get License Info
Gets the license information for a company.
Add Product Key
Adds a license or addon-key to the existing list of licenses and addon-keys.
Set License Key
Sets a standalone or an add-on license key for a company.
Remove License Key
Removes a license key from the given company.
Get Monthly Usage
Exposes the monthly usage for a company in a target month.
Get Monthly Usage Per Product Type
Exposes the monthly usage of a company in a target month. Returns the usage per product type, for all available product types.
Create Patch Management Maintenance Window
Creates a Patch Management Maintenance Window.
Get Maintenance Window List
List available maintenance windows.
Get Maintenance Window Details
Get all the information related to a maintenance window.
Update Patch Management Maintenance Window
Updates a Patch Management Maintenance Window.
Delete Maintenance Window
Deletes a maintenance window.
Assign Maintenance Windows
Assigns a set of maintenance windows to a policy.
Unassign Maintenance Windows
Assigns a set of maintenance windows to a policy.
Get Manually Approved Patches
Lists manually approved patches from the endpoints of a specific company.
Assign Policy
Assign a policy to one or more endpoints (including containers). The policy is not assigned to targets that have an enforced policy.
List Network Inventory Items
Gets a list of network inventory items.
Create Custom Group
Creates a new custom group of endpoints.
Delete Custom Group
Deletes a custom group.
Move Custom Group
Move a custom group.
List Custom Groups
List of groups under a specified group.
Kill Process
Terminate an active process using its ID/path, the endpoint where it's running, and optionally the incident ID it generated.
Create Submit To Sandbox Analyzer Task
Create a Sandbox Analyzer task and submit up to 5 files for analysis.
List Endpoints
Returns the list of endpoints.
Get Managed Endpoints Details
Gets the details of the managed endpoints.
Move Endpoints
Moves a list of endpoints to a custom group.
Delete Endpoint ...
Last updated
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