March 10, 2023 - Get those workflows in line

This call is for people who are:

  • Interested in building their own workflows

  • Wanting to stay on top of new developments

  • Want to learn more about Rewst and participate in the community

  • We will talk about the platform, news, some training, and any Q&A.

  • As always, feel free to unmute and interrupt us, this is an interactive call! ​

Contents of the recording

Contents of the Call

Starting off in usual fashion, Nick takes us through the developments from the Development Team showing off the new "snap to grid" feature, some updated trigger functionality and the new SonicWall integration.

Next Crate Master Tim takes us through how to set up workflow listeners to run additional actions after your workflows have completed.

Building on Nick showing off the SonicWall integration, Brandon from our CX Team shows some new documentation for the SonicWall and Auvik integration as well as gives an update on courses and learning with Rewst.

Finally, Ashley from our CX Team makes her workflow debut to show off a workflow that will create Discord users and channels for our new customers.

As always we take questions and comments from the group to finish off!

How to get help from the ROC

How to get help - Engage the ROC in Slack - Email support coming soon! - [FUTURE] Live chat in the app - Would this be helpful to people? - Documentation - - Feature Requests -

Updates for the week
  • Check out the release notes here

Learning Topic

Last updated

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