Organization variables

Organization Variables serve as the foundational elements for setting and managing configurations across different organizational levels within Rewst. They ensure consistency and control within workflows and facilitate efficient management across the organizational hierarchy.

Inheritance and overrides

  • Inheritance: Values set at the parent organization cascade down, providing a default setup for all client organizations.

  • Overrides: Sub-organizations can establish their own variables, prioritizing local settings over inherited defaults.

Org variable usage in workflows

Access variables seamlessly in any workflow with the following syntax:

{{ ORG.VARIABLES.<variable_name> }}

Org variable naming conventions

  • Employ descriptive and straightforward wording using snake_case for clarity.

  • Prefix integration-specific variables appropriately, like psa_ for PSA-related variables.

Defining Boolean Values: always use lowercase true or false to align with Rewst's standardized practices. This uniform approach applies to all future workflow designs. Existing legacy workflows may display variations.

Use as default feature

The "Use as Default" feature allows managing organizations to set a universal default value for an ORG variable. This default is applied to sub-organizations unless they specify their own value.

How use as default works

  • Setting a Default: When you set a variable as default at the MSP level, it becomes the fallback for sub-organizations without a specified value.

  • Workflow Execution Context:

    • The default value is only utilized if the workflow is initiated from the managing organization.

    • To apply the default value to Client A, the workflow must start from the MSP, even if it operates within Client A’s context.

  • Triggers and Context:

    • Implementing triggers in the workflow ensures that the execution context is recognized. This facilitates the use of MSP-level defaults in sub-organization workflows.

Finding numerical values in org variables

When setting organization variables, you might need to enter in API status IDs in numeric value rather than by their display names. For example, "In Progress" would have the ID of "3" in the API.

An easy way to find these is through the workflow builder, using create ticket actions for each PSA.

Find IDs for any status

  1. Navigate to Automations > Workflows in your Rewst platform.

  2. Click the Create button to create a new workflow.

  3. Add the following action type, depending on the brand of PSA you use:

    1. ConnectWise PSA: Create Service Ticket

    2. Datto PSA: Create Ticket v2

    3. Halo PSA: Add or Update Tickets

  4. Click the ⋮ in your action to open up its settings.

  5. Click in any field with a blue arrow.

  6. Select the Display name you want the ID for, then click the Jinja editor button to the left to get the ID

Onboarding requirements

Certain ORG Variables are essential for onboarding processes and are utilized by the Get and Set ORG Variables Workflow to ensure smooth integration and setup for new users or systems.

Form Field
Valid Values

Default PSA


Identifies the PSA that you use

cw_manage kaseya_bms datto_psa halo_psa freshdesk servicenow mail_only etc

Default RMM


Identifies the RMM that you use

cw_automatecw_control datto_rmm immybot ninja_rmm n_able kaseya_vsa kaseya_vsa_x etc

Primary Identity Provider


Specify where users are created for the organization, either on premise or in Azure

on_prem azure_ad jumpcloud

Default Ticket Location


The default PSA board (or other organizing feature) that Rewst will use to create tickets on when running automations

(depends on psa)

Default Ticket Status


The default ticket status that Rewst will use when updating tickets. This is the status that Rewst will use when actively working on a ticket. It usually set to "In Progress" or a similar status.

name or id of ticket status

Ticket Status while Waiting for Input


The default ticket status that Rewst will use when tickets are waiting for user input. This applies in cases where the automation will pause and prompt a technician to do an additional step outside of the automation before then returning to the ticket to confirm that action has taken place. This will then kickoff the automation to continue from the position it left off.

name or id of ticket status

Ticket Status when Workflow Complete


The default ticket status that Rewst will use when we finish an automation. Consider this the "quality check" status to make sure everything ran properly.

name or id of ticket status

No Time in Tickets


Set this when you don't want automation to put time_worked in tickets. The "Yes" option will add notes in the ticket we create when running an automation. The "No" option will let us impersonate a technician to apply time under there name for automations that run. We do this because we can't apply time via the API for most PSAs.

1 or 0 (boolean )

Default Tech ID


Tech Id to user when updating ticket time

id of tech to use for time entries

Default Work Role


Tech Work Type to user when updating ticket time

id of tech work type to use for time entries

Default Work Type


Tech Work Role to user when updating ticket time

id of tech work role to use for time entries

New User Ticket Type


Ticket Type to use on the New User Board when creating a ticket

int for type_id in CWM

New User Ticket Subtype


Ticket SubType to use on the New User Board when creating a ticket

int for subtype_id in CWM

New User Ticket Item


Ticket Item to use on the New User Board when creating a ticket

int for item_id in CWM

Time Entry Ticket Status


Set tickets to this status to enable time entry

strStatus Name or int ID to use

New User Approval Email


When email approval is needed for new user adds, use this address

email address

Require Approval For New User


Controls the new user approval requirement.

(1 or 0) or (true or false)

Require Authorization for License Purchases


Pause workflows for Inquiry when new license purchases are needed

1 or 0 (boolean )

Require Approval For Offboarding Users


Controls the new user approval requirement.


Offboard User Approval Email


When email approval is needed for offobarding users, use this address

email address

New User Password Save Location


Where to store the password during new user creation. Default to PSA if not defined

List of psa``itglue``hudu``custom-pwpushother systems

New User Password Save Location Custom URL


In the event that we are storing a password in a custom PWPush, put the URL here

User Start Date Action


How to handle start_date in user onboarding

default document_only : only show in ticket

Override Email Domains


List of email domains to show rather than querying from M365

List of domains

New User Automation Task Time


Default time for the "New User" workflow, to add to the ticket at completion

int in minutes

Offboard User Automation Task Time


Default time for the "Offboard User" workflow, to add to the ticket at completion

int in minutes

VIP Contact Type


Contact Type to set for VIP users

name or id of Contact Type

Adds a field on forms for specific approver email


Allows the field in New User to show up and add a specific e-mail approver

1 or 0 (boolean )

New Ticket for License Purchases


When prompting in tickets for license purchases, do so in a new ticket

1 or 0 (boolean )

Board ID for License Tickets


The PSA Board ID to use when license purchases are in a separate ticket

int board_id for CWM

Active Customer Statuses


Statuses in PSA for active customer organizations

List of status types from PSA

Default Priority


The default ticket priority that Rewst will use when creating tickets

name or id of ticket status

Default Agreement Name


If you set a default agreement in your PSA on ticket creation, enter the name of it here.

str name of agreement

Send From Address


When sending mail, we can set the "replyTo" address to this, to allow for proper ticket responses

str email addr

Store Password in Ticket


When documenting the password, this will never store it in the ticket if set to false


Microsoft Licensing Distributor


Microsoft License Distributor (where to purchase CSP licenses)

pax8 microsoft_csp ingram_micro sherweb synnex manual_only

Mandatory Licensing Groups


If you use license groups with Microsoft 365 you can specify those groups here. This allows you to create a group of licenses that the user will be added to if selected.

list of group_names

Username Format


The format of the users username

flast firstl firstmlast

Preferred Domain Controller


Choose this DC instead of letting automation decide

ComputerName in RMM

Preferred ADConnect Server


If your ADConnect is on a specific server, specify it here

str hostname of server

On-Prem Exchange Server


Server name to use if you have on-prem Exchange

ComputerName in RMM

On-Prem Hybrid Exchange


Set to true to identify this client as using Hybrid Exchange setup (Usage of Enable-RemoteMailbox)

Preferred Phone Number Format


Format to use for phone numbers (stringifies ints with formatting)


No PSA - Mail to Address


If there is no PSA, we will mail information to this address

str email addr

On-Prem No AD Sync (not in form)


If there is no ADSync configured between on-prem and M365 (needs to be added manually)


M365 Usage Location (not in form)


Country Code such as "US" or GB"


All Internal Notes


When adding notes, check if they should all be internal or allowed some external


Crate - Sync Contacts - Report Only


If a user is missing, this will create a ticket for them with the relevant user information


No Azure AD


ORG Does not use AzureAD


IT Glue Custom Actions


If the client uses ITG, this will trigger a subworkflow for actions in the user onboarding workflow


PSA Custom Note


If the client wants a custom note on a ticket, we can use this variable to branch off on update tickets


PSA Custom Actions


Used to allow a sub-workflow execution at the end of the new employee workflow (set to 1 to enable)


PSA Default Ticket Source


Used in the Datto creation of the ticket during new user workflow and defines the source of the ticket


HUDU Create Contact In Asset


Used to create a contact in Hudu and the password and relate them togehter


Licensing Choose Subscription


Used to decide whether the "Show Subs" option appears in New User Onboarding form


Form Default: Supervisor


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement


Form Default: OU (OrgUnit)


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement. Example is [{"id": "fb53fb9f-208f-451c-9391-6092eb7c4e1b","label":"OU=Disabled Users,OU=Pedro Users,OU=Pedro Ltd,DC=ad2,DC=pedroaviary,DC=com"}]


Form Default: Location


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement


Form Default: Email Domain


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement


Form Default: License SKU


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement


Form Default: Department


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement. Example is [{"id": "68c2878a-6739-438c-bf5a-d8c2bea39573","label": "Dist Group Two"},{"id": "936eb764-36c4-4ac6-b264-c532caeb217c","label": "Group Me Up Buttercup - Distribution"}]


Form Default: On-Prem Groups


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement. Example is [{"id": "68c2878a-6739-438c-bf5a-d8c2bea39573","label": "Dist Group Two"},{"id": "936eb764-36c4-4ac6-b264-c532caeb217c","label": "Group Me Up Buttercup - Distribution"}]


Form Default: AAD Groups


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement. Example is [{"department": "Jesse"},{"department": "dam"}]


Form Default: AAD Security Groups


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement. Example is [{"department": "Jesse"},{"department": "dam"}]


Form Default: AAD Distribution Groups


Used so that if the form forces a default, this is the value supplied in the if statement. Example is [{"department": "Jesse"},{"department": "dam"}]


Form Default: Default Phone Number


Used in the workflow itself that if the org var is specified, it'll use it if none on the form


Form Default: new_user_azure_ad_attributes_to_copy


Used to specify which properties of the user being copied to apply to the new user Example is ["location","city","street_address","desk_phone","company","usage_location","department","user_title","mobile_phone","postcode","state"]


Form Option: Send password via SMS


Sending passwords via SMS carries associated risks. Please be sure that your risk tolerance is considered before enabling this option.


CW Control Session Group Override


This org variable setting will allow you to use a different session group than All Machines. The session group name needs to match whatever session group you would like to use and is case sensitive. Example: All Machines by Company


Manual License Confirmation No Pod Notification


This organization variable is used in the manual license purchase workflow, by default the workflow attempts to prompt for approval via a Manage pod. If pods are not configured in your environment then this org variable should be used to override the default behavior which will provide the prompt via a ticket note.


New Employee Output Exclusion Variables


This organization variable is used to override the default output configuration exclusions for the output_context variable. Example value: ["execution_id","organization","originating_execution_id","rewst","sentry_trace","trigger_instance","max_retries","sendMail_from_user_object"]


PSA Alert Type Variable (Halo)


This organization variable is used to specify the ticket type for Halo PSA customers in workflows such as the DUO bypass user workflow and Exchange mailbox nearing quota workflow. The type id should be specified (example: 32)


PAX8 Unmapped Company Alert Exclusions


This organization variable is used to specify a list of Rewst OrgID's to ignore when creating alerts for the alert_on_unmapped_orgs setting in the "Pax8 Extra License Removal" workflow of the "Alert on Unused M365 Licenses" crate


Halo Site Name Override


This org variable is used to define a site name in the Halo ticket creation sub workflow, if not defined then 'Main' will be used. This is only required if you would like to use something other than 'Main'


Onboard Excluded Org Variables


This org variable overrides the variables automatically excluded when you create a user using new employee onboarding.


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