Connectwise Control (ScreenConnect)

This Integration supports multiple instances

Check out the instructions to set up multiple instances here.

ConnectWise Control

Run commands on your ConnectWise Control agents and get logs from your sessions.

Heads up!

ConnectWise Control utilizes the CustomProperty1 property - typically referenced as Company within the UI - to store the organization name.

If you are using this property for another purpose, you will need to update the CustomProperty1 property to store the organization name.


To allow Rewst access to your ConnectWise Control, you'll need to create a new user and allow it access to your sessions. To add a new user:

  1. Click the "Admin" button on the left-hand side of the screen on your ConnectWise Control Instance.

  2. Click "Security" in the sidebar.

  3. Click "Show User Table".

  4. Click "Add User".

  5. Fill out the required data.

  6. Ensure you select at minimum the Control Host permission.

  7. Make a note of the username, password, and TOTP secret you provide and input them below.

  8. Click Save Configuration.

You may run into a scenario where refesh options is not working. If this is the case, you can change the root session group to All Machines to see if it pulls in customers. If this doesn't resolve the issue, you can contact support as found here: Support Priorities


Get Session

Used to help you debug issues with your PowerShell scripts by providing logs associated with a specific connection ID.


Invoke Command

Action to run a command template on an agent.

Invoke Command Parametersโ€‹

Reference Types


A reference to a "Session" within ConnectWise Control.

Session Groupโ€‹

A reference to a session group within ConnectWise Control.

Event Typesโ€‹

Last updated