Integrations & External Association Actions

List Integrations For Organization

Description: This action retrieves a comprehensive list of integrations installed for a specific organization in Rewst, providing a detailed overview of each integration's attributes.


  • Organization ID: The unique identifier for an organization in Rewst. This parameter is required to fetch the specific integration details pertinent to the organization.


The action generates a detailed list of integrations, including:

  • Integration ID, Name, and Reference: Basic identifiers providing clarity on each integration.

  • Pack Configurations: In-depth details of configurations applied to each integration, offering insights into their setup and customization.

  • Applied Triggers: Information on workflow triggers linked to each integration, useful for understanding operational dynamics.

  • Foreign Object References: Crucial data points that link integrations to external references, enhancing cross-platform data synchronization and management.

Check out the documentation for theView Rewst Integration Org Variables crate, to see a practical example of how to leverage this action within your Rewst workflows.

Get External Reference

Description: Facilitates the retrieval of details about the above external integration references. You can use it to fetch all external integration references associated with a specific organization in Rewst or to find the organization associated with a specific external reference ID.


  • Org ID: (Optional) The ID of the organization in Rewst. If provided, the action returns all external references linked to this organization.

  • Identifier: (Optional) A specific variable name for the external resource. (eg: ms_tenant_id)

  • Reference ID: (Optional) The unique identifier of the external resource. If provided, the action returns the organization in Rewst associated with this reference.


  • Returns detailed information about the external reference(s), such as the org_id in Rewst linked to it, the type of identifier, and the external reference_id. This information is helpful for cross-system data synchronization and management.

Check out the documentation for theView Rewst Integration Org Variables crate, to see a practical example of how to leverage this action within your Rewst workflows.

Associate External Object

Description: Lets you associate a resource in some other system, i.e., a PSA ticket, with a particular workflow execution.


  • Reference ID: The ID of the external resource.

  • Identifier: An identifier for the external resource, i.e. "cwm_ticket".

  • Fail On Conflict: Set to true to fail the task if a reference_id/identifier pair already exists for the supplied values. It is a boolean parameter.

Output: The action returns information about the associated external object.

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