Graph Actions
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Microsoft Graph API offers a collection of actions for managing Microsoft services like Teams, Users, and OneDrive. These actions enable tasks such as creating events, managing licenses, and sending emails.
The following sections detail the specific actions, parameters, and their purposes, providing essential tools for seamless integration and control over various Microsoft services.
Purpose: Create an event on a specific user's calendar.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Purpose: Specify the attendees for an event.
Purpose: Specify the location details for an event.
Purpose: Interact with a specific user's drive.
Purpose: Delete a specific item in OneDrive.
Purpose: Retrieve the file and folder IDs at the root of a user's OneDrive.
Purpose: Retrieve metadata for a specific Microsoft OneDrive item.
Purpose: Create a new folder in OneDrive.
Purpose: Copy a OneDrive item to a new folder by folder ID.
Purpose: Move a OneDrive item to a new folder by folder ID.
Purpose: Define common parameters for various actions.
Purpose: Define common JSON objects.
List groups based on filters
Purpose: Retrieve the members of a specific group.
Purpose: Retrieve detailed information about a specific group.
Purpose: Add a user to a specific group.
Purpose: Remove a user from a specific group.
Purpose: Create a new security group.
Purpose: Update the details of an existing security group.
Purpose: Define filter criteria for various actions.
Purpose: Define URL arguments for various actions.
Purpose: Define group-related parameters.
Purpose: Define group-related JSON objects.
Purpose: Manage user and group licenses.
Purpose: Assign a specific license to a user.
Purpose: Remove a specific license from a user.
Purpose: Assign licenses to a specific group.
Purpose: Remove licenses from a specific group.
Purpose: Define license-related JSON objects.
Purpose: Sends a Microsoft Teams message with interactive options and pauses the workflow until a response is received
Purpose: Find and remove all anonymous sharing links from an object.
Purpose: Select and filter groups.
Purpose: Retrieve security-enabled groups.
Purpose: Send a message in a Teams group via a webhook.
Purpose: Filters for sending inquiry messages.
Invalidate Sign In Sessions
Purpose: Invalidate all sign-in sessions for the selected user.
List Users
Purpose: Retrieve a list of users based on specific criteria.
Create User
Purpose: Create a new user within the system.
Update User
Purpose: Update the details of an existing user.
Set User Manager
Purpose: Assign a manager to a specific user.
List User Licenses
Purpose: Retrieve a list of license details for a user.
List User Calendars
Purpose: Get all the user's calendars.
Create Calendar Permission
Purpose: Creates a calendarPermissions object for a user's primary calendar.
Delete Calendar Permission
Purpose: Delete specified permissions from a user's primary calendar.
List User Calendar Permissions
Purpose: Get a collection of calendarPermission resources that describe the identity and roles of users with whom the specified calendar has been shared or delegated.
Send Mail as Impersonated User
Send an e-mail impersonating a user within your M365 tenant
Users Json
Purpose: Define user-specific attributes.
Message Body
Purpose: Define the content of the email message.
Purpose: Define file attachments for a message.
Purpose: Define custom message headers that hold app data for the message.
Send a request to any Microsoft Graph endpoint
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Parameter | Description | Type |
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