Graph Actions
Microsoft Graph API offers a collection of actions for managing Microsoft services like Teams, Users, and OneDrive. These actions enable tasks such as creating events, managing licenses, and sending emails.
The following sections detail the specific actions, parameters, and their purposes, providing essential tools for seamless integration and control over various Microsoft services.
Create Event
Purpose: Create an event on a specific user's calendar.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User* | The user ID | String |
Subject* | The subject of the event | String |
HTML Body* | The HTML body of the event | String |
Start Datetime* | Start datetime in ISO format | String |
Start Timezone* | Timezone to create the event in | String |
End Datetime* | End datetime in ISO format | String |
End Timezone* | Timezone to create the event in | String |
Microsoft Teams | Create a Teams meeting for this event | Boolean |
Skype for Business | Create a Skype For Business meeting for this event | Boolean |
Skype for Consumer | Create a Skype for Consumer meeting for this event | Boolean |
All Day? | Determine if the event is all day | Boolean |
Attendees | The attendees to send the event to | Attendees |
Locations | Locations of the event | Array Locations |
Purpose: Specify the attendees for an event.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Name* | The name of the attendee | String |
The email of the attendee | String | |
Type | The type of attendee ('optional' (default), 'required', 'resource') | String |
Purpose: Specify the location details for an event.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Name* | Name of the location | String |
Address | The address of the location | Address |
Purpose: Interact with a specific user's drive.
Parameter | Description | Type |
user_id* | The userPrincipalName or ID of the user | String |
Params | Query params for the HTTP request | Params |
Delete OneDrive Item
Purpose: Delete a specific item in OneDrive.
Parameter | Description | Type |
user_id* | The userPrincipalName or ID of the user | String |
item_id | Unique item ID for reference | String |
Get User's Root OneDrive Items
Purpose: Retrieve the file and folder IDs at the root of a user's OneDrive.
Parameter | Description | Type |
user_id* | The userPrincipalName or ID of the user | String |
params | Additional parameters | Params |
Get OneDrive Item Metadata
Purpose: Retrieve metadata for a specific Microsoft OneDrive item.
Parameter | Description | Type |
user_id* | The userPrincipalName or ID of the user | String |
path | Path to the file from the user's root directory | String |
item_id | Unique item ID for reference | String |
Create OneDrive Folder
Purpose: Create a new folder in OneDrive.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Name* | Name of the new folder | String |
User ID* | userPrincipalId of the user's drive to add to | String |
Parent Item ID* | ItemID of the drive or folder to add the item | String |
Conflict Behavior | Behavior to handle naming conflicts | String |
Copy OneDrive Item
Purpose: Copy a OneDrive item to a new folder by folder ID.
Parameter | Description | Type |
drive_id* | The drive or ID where the file is located | String |
item_id* | The ID of the item to copy | String |
new_filename | A new name for the item, if desired | String |
new_folder_id | The ID of a new folder to put the item | String |
new_folder_path | Path (from root on the same provided drive_id) | String |
new_drive_id | The new drive ID for the item | String |
Move OneDrive Item
Purpose: Move a OneDrive item to a new folder by folder ID.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | The userPrincipalName or ID of the user | String |
Item ID* | The ID of the item to move | String |
json | Additional parameters in JSON format | Json |
Purpose: Define common parameters for various actions.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Filter | Filter criteria for the request | String |
Order By | Order the results | String |
Select | Comma-separated fields to return (e.g. "displayName,id") | String |
Top | Request the first x results | Integer |
Purpose: Define common JSON objects.
Parameter | Description | Type |
parentReference | Reference to the parent object | ParentReference |
Name | A new name for the item, if desired | String |
List groups based on filters
Parameter | Description | Type |
Page Size | Number of results per page | Integer |
Select | List of fields to return (e.g. "displayName, id") | String |
Filter Query | Custom query to override default filters | String |
Filters | Not all operators are available for all fields. View the availability of the filters here | Array Filter |
List Group Members
Purpose: Retrieve the members of a specific group.
Parameter | Description | Type |
url_args* | Arguments for URL targeting | UrlArgs |
Select | Fields to return (e.g. "displayName, id, etc.") | String |
Get Group
Purpose: Retrieve detailed information about a specific group.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Group ID* | Unique identifier for the group | String |
params | Additional parameters | Params |
Add Group Member
Purpose: Add a user to a specific group.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Group* | Target group identifier | String |
User ID* | User to be added | String |
Remove Group Member
Purpose: Remove a user from a specific group.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Group* | Target group identifier | String |
User ID* | User to be removed | String |
Create Security Group
Purpose: Create a new security group.
Parameter | Description | Type |
json | Group details in JSON format | Json |
Update Security Group
Purpose: Update the details of an existing security group.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Group ID* | Unique identifier for the group | String |
json | Group details in JSON format | Json |
Purpose: Define filter criteria for various actions.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Field Name | Name of the field to filter on | String |
Filter Type | Type of filter to apply | String |
Field Value | Value to filter on | String |
Url Args
Purpose: Define URL arguments for various actions.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Group ID* | Target group identifier | String |
Groups Params
Purpose: Define group-related parameters.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Select | Comma-separated fields to return (e.g. "displayName,id") | String |
Groups Json
Purpose: Define group-related JSON objects.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Display Name* | Name of the group | String |
Group Description | Description of the group | String |
Mail Group Nickname | Nickname for the group's mail | String |
Visibility | Visibility settings for the group | String |
Purpose: Manage user and group licenses.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | User's UUID or Active Directory username | String |
json | License details in JSON format | Json |
Group ID* | Group identifier for group license operations | String |
Assign License to User
Purpose: Assign a specific license to a user.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | Can be either the user's UUID or Active Directory username | String |
json | License details in JSON format | Json |
Remove License from User
Purpose: Remove a specific license from a user.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | Can be either the user's UUID or Active Directory username | String |
json | License details in JSON format | Json |
Assign License(s) to Group
Purpose: Assign licenses to a specific group.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Group ID* | Unique identifier for the group | String |
json | License details in JSON format | Json |
Remove License(s) From Group
Purpose: Remove licenses from a specific group.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Group ID* | Unique identifier for the group | String |
json | License details in JSON format | Json |
License Json
Purpose: Define license-related JSON objects.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Licenses to Remove | Array of licenses to remove | Array Remove Licenses |
Send Inquiry Message
Purpose: Sends a Microsoft Teams message with interactive options and pauses the workflow until a response is received
Parameter | Description | Type |
Webhook* | Incoming webhook URL, see Microsoft Teams docs | String |
message* | Message content | String |
Buttons | List of buttons for user interaction | Array Buttons |
Sharepoint Delete Anon Links
Purpose: Find and remove all anonymous sharing links from an object.
Parameter | Description | Type |
site_id* | Website ID for the site | String |
file_id* | File's ID | String |
Filtered Groups
Purpose: Select and filter groups.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Select | List of fields to return (e.g. "displayName, id, etc.") | Array Select |
Count | Include Number of items in result | Boolean |
skip | Number of results to skip | Integer |
Filters | Filters to apply | Array Filter |
Get Security Enabled Groups
Purpose: Retrieve security-enabled groups.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Select | List of fields to return (e.g. "displayName, id, etc.") | Array Select |
Count | Include Number of items in result | Boolean |
skip | Number of results to skip | Integer |
Filters | Filters to apply | Array Filter |
Purpose: Send a message in a Teams group via a webhook.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Webhook* | Incoming webhook URL, see Microsoft Teams docs | String |
json | JSON content for the message | Json |
Send Inquiry Message Filter
Purpose: Filters for sending inquiry messages.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Field Name | Name of the filter field | String |
Filter Type | Type of filter | String |
Field Value | Value for filtering | String |
Invalidate Sign In Sessions
Purpose: Invalidate all sign-in sessions for the selected user.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | User's ID | String |
List Users
Purpose: Retrieve a list of users based on specific criteria.
Parameter | Description | Type |
url | URL for listing users | URL |
Select | Fields to return (e.g. "displayName, id") | Array Select |
Page Size | Number of results to retrieve | Integer |
Filter Query | Custom query to override default filters | String |
Filters | Additional filters for refining results | Array Filter |
Create User
Purpose: Create a new user within the system.
Parameter | Description | Type |
json | User details | Json |
Update User
Purpose: Update the details of an existing user.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | User's ID | String |
json | User details | Json |
Set User Manager
Purpose: Assign a manager to a specific user.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | User's ID | String |
Manager ID* | Manager's ID | String |
List User Licenses
Purpose: Retrieve a list of license details for a user.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | User's ID | String |
params | Additional parameters | Params |
List User Calendars
Purpose: Get all the user's calendars.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | User's ID | String |
params | Additional parameters | Params |
Create Calendar Permission
Purpose: Creates a calendarPermissions object for a user's primary calendar.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | User's ID | String |
json | Permission details | Json |
Delete Calendar Permission
Purpose: Delete specified permissions from a user's primary calendar.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | User's ID | String |
Calendar Permission ID* | Permission ID | String |
List User Calendar Permissions
Purpose: Get a collection of calendarPermission resources that describe the identity and roles of users with whom the specified calendar has been shared or delegated.
Parameter | Description | Type |
User ID* | User's ID | String |
params | Additional parameters | Params |
Send Mail as Impersonated User
Send an e-mail impersonating a user within your M365 tenant
Parameter | Description | Type |
url | URL for sending email | URL |
User ID* | The userPrincipalName or ID of the user that the message will be sent from | String |
Subject* | Email subject | String |
message_body | Message body details | MessageBody |
To Recipients | List of email addresses to send to | Array |
CC Recipients | List of email addresses to CC | Array |
BCC Recipients | List of email addresses to BCC | Array |
Reply To | Email addresses for replies | Array |
File Attachments | File attachments | Array File Attachments |
Internet Message Headers | Custom message headers | Array Internet Message Headers |
Request Delivery Receipt | Request a delivery receipt | Boolean |
Request Read Receipt | Request a read receipt | Boolean |
Follow Up Start At | Flag for follow-up start date/time | String |
Follow Up Due Date | The date and time that a follow up flag is to be finished. If this is set, | String |
Importance | Importance of the message | String |
Save to Sent Items | Save the message in Sent Items | Boolean |
Users Json
Purpose: Define user-specific attributes.
Parameter | Description | Type |
emailAddress | User's email address | EmailAddress |
isInsideOrganization | True if the user in context (sharee or delegate) is inside the same organization as the calendar owner. | Boolean |
isRemovable | True if the user can be removed from the list of sharees or delegates for the specified calendar, false otherwise. | Boolean |
Role | Role assigned to the user | String |
Message Body
Purpose: Define the content of the email message.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Message Content* | Content of the message | String |
Message Content Type | Content type of the message (e.g., HTML) | String |
File Attachments
Purpose: Define file attachments for a message.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Content Bytes | The base64-encoded contents of the file | String |
Content Type | The content type of the attachment | String |
Is Inline | Set to true if this is an inline attachment | Boolean |
Name | The name representing the text that is displayed below the icon representing the embedded attachment | String |
Internet Message Headers
Purpose: Define custom message headers that hold app data for the message.
Parameter | Description | Type |
Name | Header name | String |
Value | Header value | String |
Graph API Request
Send a request to any Microsoft Graph endpoint
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