Adding Actions to the "Add or Remove User - Microsoft Group" Workflow

Create part of a workflow to test, starting with just a few actions.

Module Overview

💡 You'll notice that a workflow looks kind of like a flowchart -- that's why you began with a simple sketch. It's time to translate the process from paper to Rewst workflow!

Video (5:46 Minutes)

Steps to Add Actions to the Workflow

Open the "Add or Remove User - Microsoft Group" workflow, which (up to this point) only has the workflow configuration settings and trigger set up. Complete the following steps to add your workflow actions.

Step 1: Add the First Action – a "Noop" Decision Point
  1. Search for and add a "noop" action to your workflow.

  2. Rename the action to "add_or_remove."

  3. Configure this action as a decision point by adding two custom condition transitions:

For the first transition, label it "Add to Group," select custom condition, and enter {{ CTX.action == "add" }} in the Jinja editor. Notice that if you open the editor (by selecting the "Jinja burger" icon to access a pop-up window), typing "CTX." will show you the three input variables that you added to the workflow configuration settings, and you can select "action" rather than typing it manually.

For the second transition, label it "Remove from Group," select custom condition, and enter {{ CTX.action == "remove" }} in the Jinja editor.

A noop action is often used as a placeholder or decision point. Feel free to make this action a "favorite" by selecting the star icon. You can access favorite actions by right-clicking anywhere on the workflow canvas.

Step 2: Add the Action to Add a Group Member
  1. Search for "Graph Add."

  2. Drag and drop the "Add Group Member" Microsoft Graph action into the workflow canvas, connecting it to the Add transition from the "add_or_remove" action by clicking the dot (at the bottom of the transition box) and holding down to "draw" an arrow to the action.

  3. Select the action and enter the required parameters in the Jinja editor:

For Group, enter {{ CTX.group_id }}.

For User, enter {{ CTX.user_id }}.

This setup (Jinja code in the Microsoft Graph action) allows the action to work with any group and user ID from the submitted form.

Step 3: Add the Action to Remove a Group Member
  1. Search for "Graph Remove."

  2. Drag and drop the "Remove Group Member" action below the "Remove" transition, connecting the two.

  3. Repeat the steps to add the same code for the action parameters as you did for the "Add Group Member" action.

Step 5: Publish the Workflow

Remember, while Rewst auto-saves your work, it’s a good habit to publish after significant updates. This not only saves your progress but also allows you to add comments that can be useful if you ever need to revert to a previous version through the "Workflow History" icon.

Action Items

Add the actions to your workflow as outlined above, ensuring that you configure each action correctly and connect them to the appropriate transitions.

Last updated