Intro to templates


Templates are used so that you can have a standardized set of text used in several places.

For example, if you want to create a ticket and always use the same HTML for the ticket description, you would create a template and in the input, reference the template instead of having to type that same text each time.

Templates and Jinja

The great thing about our templates is that you can set Context Variables within them.

In our example below, we are sending an e-mail to a new user that has been created.

Hi {{ CTX.first_name }},

Welcome to Rewst!

Your email account has been provisioned and you should be able to access it at:

username: {{ }}
password: {{ CTX.password }}

We're excited to have you on the team!

In the input for the "Send Mail" action, you would use:

{{ template("<template-id>")}}

The template ID can be taken from the URL, when you are editing the template.

The URL will look similar to below:

The template ID is "768f5d45-5fe7-4c1f-b2c1-932dcbdcb1d7"

{{ template("768f5d45-5fe7-4c1f-b2c1-932dcbdcb1d7") }}

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