💡 Every Rewst workflow begins with a "trigger." Here, our trigger will be a Rewst form. The form will include fields for selecting a user, a group, and an action (add or remove).
Video (5:22 Minutes)
Log into Rewst and complete the following steps.
Step 1: Access the Form Builder
Go toAutomations -> Forms.
Click the "+" icon to create a new form.
Name it "Add or Remove User - Microsoft Group Form"
⭐ Feel free to personalize the title with your name and/or "training demo".
Step 2: Create the User Selection Field
Use the "Dropdown" field type for selecting a user from a list.
Set "user_id" as the Field Name (this is important for later workflow steps).
Label the field "User" and provide a clear description like "Select a user."
Make the field required and enable Dynamic Options to pull data from Microsoft Graph, selecting Microsoft Graph as the integration and Users as the Resource.
⭐ Title case matters! Ensure the Field Name is lowercase, one word (or if using multiple words, joined with an underscore as per this example).
Step 3: Create the Group Selection Field
Add another "Dropdown" field for selecting a group.
Set "group_id" as the Field Name.
Label the field "Group" and describe it as "Select a group."
Make it a required field, enable "Dynamic Options," and select "Microsoft Graph" as the integration with "Groups" as the Resource.
Step 4: Create the Action Selection Field
UseRadio Buttons for the action selection field.
Set "action" as the Field Name and label it "Action" with the description "Select one."
Define the options: "Add to Group" with a value of "add" and "Remove from Group" with a value of "remove." Title case is important! Ensure all "values" are lowercase, one word.
Ensure the field is required and save your work.
Step 5: Save and Preview
Save your form by clicking the disk icon and selecting "submit."
Preview the form by clicking the eye icon to see how it looks.
⭐ Remember: Making mistakes is part of the learning process! If you make an error while building your form, you can always go back and edit or delete fields.
Action Items
Create your form in Rewst following the steps outlined above, ensuring you include fields for user selection, group selection, and action selection.
Make sure to set up your Microsoft Graph integration if you haven’t already, as it's required for the dynamic options in the form fields (and you'll see those after creating the workflow).