Get inspired

One of the most difficult parts of automation is knowing what you want to automate.

As we at Rewst always say, you cannot automate a process that doesn't already exist.

However at Rewst we strive to work with our community to help all MSPs, and our amazing community has helped us to create a list of the most common processes that MSPs automate with their integrations.

This list is by no means exhaustive, but it is a great starting point for any MSP looking to automate their processes. The items on this list are not necessarily built already but are meant as a way to get you inspired (see what we did there with the page title?) to start thinking about what you want to automate.

Alert Management
  • Getting lists of open alerts, matching those to mapped devices, triggering remediation operations. For example:

    1. Get a list of all open alerts (or alerts since a specific datetime) and filter for alerts of type Backup Failed

    2. Use your rmm to restart the agent

    3. Create a ticket in your PSA

  • Looking at the Last Backup date for a device, if that is more than x days ago, triggering the remediation

  • Disregarding alerts for workstations that are offline

  • AutomatI the troubleshooting of common Cyber Protect Agent issues

Account Management
  • Creating customers, users, etc.

  • Managing user quotas

Resource Management
  • Applying or revoking protection plans

  • Running specific policies within a plan

  • Getting protection statuses per device

Last updated

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