Halo actions & endpoints


The Halo Psa Integration with Rewst delivers a robust set of actions and endpoints for interacting with Halo Psa. Below is a summary of each section, highlighting the diverse capabilities and opportunities provided through the Halo Psa Integration:



List Actions

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Actions

Returns an object containing the count of actions, and an array of action objects for a given ticket.

Get Action

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Actions/{action_id}

Returns a single Action object

Add or Update Actions

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Actions

Adds or updates one or more action(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new. Ticket ID is mandatory

Delete Action

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Actions/{action_id}

Deletes the Action and related objects with the specified id


List Agents

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Agent

Returns an array of Agents

Get Agent

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Agent/{agent_id}

Returns a single Agent object

Get Configured Agent

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Agent/me

Returns a single agent object based on the agent that the configured access token is for

Add or Update Agents

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Agent

Adds or updates one or more agents(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Agent

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Agent/{agent_id}

Deletes the agent and related objects with the specified id


List Appointments

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Appointment

Returns an array of appointments

Get Appointment

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Appointment/{appointment_id}

Returns a single Appointment object

Add or Update Appointments

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Appointment

Adds or updates one or more appointment(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Appointment

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Appointment/{appointment_id}

Deletes the Appointment and related objects with the specified id


List Assets

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Asset

Returns an object containing the count of Assets, and an array of Asset objects

Get Asset

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Asset/{asset_id}

Returns a single Asset object

Add or Update Assets

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Asset

Adds or updates one or more asset(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Asset

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Asset/{asset_id}

Deletes the asset and related objects with the specified id


List Attachments

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Attachment

Returns an array of attachments. Each attachment returned will be in Base64 format.

Get Attachment

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Attachment/{attachment_id}

Returns the text contents of a single Attachment object

Add or Update Attachments

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Attachment

Adds or updates one or more attachment(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new. The attachment must be posted in Base64 format.

Delete Attachment

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Attachment/{attachment_id}

Deletes the attachment and related objects with the specified id


List Clients

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Client

Returns an object containing the count of Clients, and an array of Client objects

Get Client

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Client/{client_id}

Returns a single Client object

Add or Update Clients

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Client

Adds or updates one or more client(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Client

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Client/{client_id}

Deletes the Client and related objects with the specified id


List Contracts

GET <example>.halopsa.com/ClientContract

Returns an array of contracts

Get Contract

GET <example>.halopsa.com/ClientContract/{contract_id}

Returns a single Contract object

Add or Update Contracts

POST <example>.halopsa.com/ClientContract

Adds or updates one or more contract(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Contract

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/ClientContract/{contract_id}

Deletes the contract and related objects with the specified id

Generic Request

Halo PSA API Request

GET <example>.halopsa.com/<url_path>

Generic action for making authenticated requests against the Halo PSA API


List Invoices

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Invoice

Returns an object containing the count of invoices, and an array of invoice objects

Get Invoice

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Invoice/{invoice_id}

Returns a single Invoice object

Add or Update Invoices

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Invoice

Adds or updates one or more invoice(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Invoice

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Invoice/{invoice_id}

Deletes the invoice and related objects with the specified id


List Items

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Item

Returns an object containing the count of items, and an array of item objects

Get Item

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Item/{item_id}

Returns a single Item object

Add or Update Items

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Item

Adds or updates one or more item(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Item

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Item/{item_id}

Deletes the item and related objects with the specified id

Knowledge Base

List Knowledge Base Articles

GET <example>.halopsa.com/KBArticle

Returns an array of knowledge base articles

Get Knowledge Base Article

GET <example>.halopsa.com/KBArticle/{kb_article_id}

Returns a single knowledge base article object

Add or Update Knowledge Base Articles

POST <example>.halopsa.com/KBArticle

Adds or updates one or more knowledge base article(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Knowledge Base Article

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/KBArticle/{kb_article_id}

Deletes the knowledge base article and related objects with the specified id


List Opportunities

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Opportunities

Returns an object containing the count of opportunities, and an array of opportunity objects

Get Opportunity

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Opportunities/{opportunity_id}

Returns a single Opportunity object

Add or Update Opportunities

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Opportunities

Adds or updates one or more opportunities. If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Opportunity

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Opportunities/{opportunity_id}

Deletes the opportunity and related objects with the specified id


List Organisations

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Organisation

Returns an array of organisations

Get Organisation

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Organisation/{organisation_id}

Returns a single Organisation object

Add or Update Organisations

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Organisation

Adds or updates one or more organisation(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Organisation

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Organisation/{organisation_id}

Deletes the organisation and related objects with the specified id


List Projects

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Projects

Returns an object containing the count of projects, and an array of project objects

Get Project

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Projects/{project_id}

Returns a single Project object

Add or Update Projects

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Projects

Adds or updates one or more project(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Project

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Projects/{project_id}

Deletes the project and related objects with the specified id


List Quotes

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Quotation

Returns an object containing the count of quotes, and an array of quote objects

Get Quote

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Quotation/{quote_id}

Returns a single Quote object

Add or Update Quotes

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Quotation

Adds or updates one or more quote(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Quote

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Quotation/{quote_id}

Deletes the quote and related objects with the specified id


List Reports

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Report

Returns an object containing the count of reports, and an array of report objects

Get Report

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Report/{report_id}

Returns a single Report object

Add or Update Reports

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Report

Adds or updates one or more report(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Report

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Report/{report_id}

Deletes the report and related objects with the specified id


List Sites

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Site

Returns an object containing the count of Sites, and an array of Site objects

Get Site

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Site/{site_id}

Returns a single Site object

Add or Update Sites

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Site

Adds or updates one or more site(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Site

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Site/{site_id}

Deletes the site and related objects with the specified id


List Statuses

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Status

Returns an array of Statuses

Get Status

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Status/{status_id}

Returns a single Status object

Add or Update Statuses

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Status

Adds or updates one or more status(es). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Status

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Status/{status_id}

Deletes the status and related objects with the specified id


List Suppliers

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Supplier

Returns an array of suppliers

Get Supplier

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Supplier/{supplier_id}

Returns a single Supplier object

Add or Update Suppliers

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Supplier

Adds or updates one or more supplier(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Supplier

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Supplier/{supplier_id}

Deletes the supplier and related objects with the specified id


List Teams

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Team

Returns an array of Teams

Get Team

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Team/{team_id}

Returns a single Team object

Add or Update Teams

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Team

Adds or updates one or more team(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Team

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Team/{team_id}

Deletes the team and related objects with the specified id

Ticket Types

List Ticket Types

GET <example>.halopsa.com/TicketType

Returns an array of Ticket Types

Get Ticket Type

GET <example>.halopsa.com/TicketType/{ticket_type_id}

Returns a single Ticket Type object

Add or Update Ticket Types

POST <example>.halopsa.com/TicketType

Adds or updates one or more ticket type(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Ticket Type

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/TicketType/{ticket_type_id}

Deletes the ticket type and related objects with the specified id


List Tickets

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Tickets

Returns an object containing the count of tickets, and an array of ticket objects

Get Ticket

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Tickets/{ticket_id}

Returns a single Ticket object

Add or Update Tickets

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Tickets

Adds or updates one or more ticket(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Ticket

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Tickets/{ticket_id}

Deletes the ticket and related objects with the specified id


List Top Levels

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Toplevel

Returns an object containing the count of top levels, and an array containing the top level tree

Get Top Level

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Toplevel/{top_level_id}

Returns a single top level object

Add or Update Top Levels

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Toplevel

Adds or updates one or more top level(s). If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete Top Level

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Toplevel/{top_level_id}

Deletes the top level and related objects with the specified id


List Users

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Users

Returns an object containing the count of Users and an array of User objects

Get User

GET <example>.halopsa.com/Users/{user_id}

Returns a single User object

Add or Update Users

POST <example>.halopsa.com/Users

Adds or updates one or more Users. If id is included then updates, if not included then creates new.

Delete User

DELETE <example>.halopsa.com/Users/{user_id}

Deletes the User and related objects with the specified id

Last updated

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