July 5th, 2024

Explore the new changes to the Marketplace in the last week!

This can be anything from new crates, enhancements, or bug fixes!

New crates and enhancements
  • Document Rewst Form URLs

    • Updated data alias to exclude orgs that have "DELETED" in the name

  • Billing Count Report

    • Added Microsoft Graph as an integration override to the Trigger

    • Replaced the ticket creation subworkflow to use the same one that's used everywhere else.

Bug fixes and chores
  • No updates for this week!

Coming soon!
  • New Crate - Liongard MFA Remediation

    • Liongard detects when MFA is not enabled properly, logs it to a PSA ticket, Rewst enables MFA and updates the ticket.

  • New Crate - Sonicwall Firmware Update

    • Initiate a firmware update via NSM

    • Support one or more firewall firmware upgrades at once

    • Support scheduling of firmware updates and restart times

Last updated